Feedback on [custom developer console/in-game script editor]

Hey yall,
recently decided to start making my own ‘‘developer console/in-game script editor’’ for my game and possibly share it as a package for others.

Here is some of many things that make it cool:

  • It can run just normal lua, but has a good amount of added syntax from/inspired by JavaScript.

  • Theres a ton of functions and libraries I have made to add on, such as: console library (identical to JS’ console object), fetch function (identical to JS’ fetch api, easy alternative for httpservice requests), interface library for customizing the console window, and much more.

  • APPS: Similar (but way better) to ModuleScripts. Can be published by one user in one game and can be used by another user in another game. (using requireapp(id) function)

  • Syntax highlighting!!! Colors can be customized in the settings menu accessible by button at the bottom of the console window. (settings also save across games!!! !!)

  • Autofill: As are many things in this console, this is still very broken and needs some more work : (

  • Saving scripts: Save and load your scripts for use across games.

  • Run securely on server: Obviously, executing code in-game requires the loadstring function. However, this poses major risks when making these kinds of things. Luckily I have found a good workaround that should never allow exploiters to execute code on the server.

  • Constant variables (from JS)!! Constant variables can not be changed/redefined. This console also supports JS’ let and var variable declarations.

  • And these are just some of the cool things that this console/script editor has!

I would really appreciate feedback on this console, as well as any suggestions :slight_smile:

I hope to have this thing complete in the near future and publish it as an easy-to-install-and-manage package. (including ability to restrict non-admins/devs from using the console, or only allowing certain things to be ran)
Once I release this, apps (as previously mentioned) will be usable in any game (except if restricted by the developer[s].)
I will also post a detailed documentation describing all the different syntax and added libraries on the #bulletin-board near release.
(if this post somehow surprasses 20 hearts ill also make an in-game explorer & properties)

Thanks for reading, feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:



Roblox should have made THIS the default console!!


Dude this is actually so amazing! In the future you should consider the option to create a github repo for it to allow the community to contribute to such a powerfull resource (if u want obv). Personally, i would be happy to contribute to it :slight_smile:

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Did you make it as a module that can be added? Can you share it? I wanna try it out!

Once I release the full console I’ll be releasing some modules separately (such as the lua/js language parser, autofill, syntax highlighting, etc.)
If you have suggestions for other modules I can make/publish, share them here and I’ll make them!

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Sorry for bumping, but is this console still in development?
The custom console looks nice and seemingly acts very well.
Is there a place to achieve this console?