Well, I have made a discussion (debate) map for one person, but I am not totally satisfied. I will attach the reference image, as well as the link to the showcase. I have scripted a couple of buttons to configure the map. Please leave your comments and opinions on how to improve this map. Also include you fav configuration of the map. Thank you for reading!
Reference Image:
Game link:
Forgot to mention but… PLEASE enable max graphics for the best experience
In order to enter the game, you should make it public.
Sorry for the inconvenience, game is now public
Cool game!
Here as you can see, light is not symmetrical. This is valid for other lights too. And you may add more lights to intermediate directions. That’s all I say.
Have a nice day developing your game!
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Holy Crap! Is this even ROBLOX?!, that looks so freaking Realistic and Nice
Thanks for your feedback, I’ll add more lights to solve this problems !
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Thanks for your reply! I will keep working on this map to make it as better as I can!!!