Feedback on Deconstructivism chair

The theme for this model is a chair with a storage unit that is styled in deconstructivism, which I honestly feel that I failed, in regards to the deconstructivism part. The storage units include an area below where they sit for objects, such as remotes or magazines, as well as a cup holder. I would like feedback in forms of the Yes/No poll questions, with any additional comments in the replies.

Seeing as it’s for modelling, it won’t be incorporated into a game, nor will their be colours attached. I aim for it to be assessed as if it was a “real-life” product.



Orthographic image

Does it appear stable?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Is it aesthetically pleasing (i.e. does it look nice)?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Does it appear comfortable?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Is the amount of storage adequate?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Do you like the type of storages?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Would you sit on this kind of chair over other chairs?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Do you think I met my theme of deconstructivism?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

(Edits are because of lots of poll issues)


Hello superhudhayfa,
I know a bit about Deconstructivism movement as I am an avid fan of Daniel Libeskind’s work in architecture and had been lectured on the topic in alot of my classes. What you’ve produced does not really speak to me in a deconstructive way, the reason being, it feels too much like a normal chair. It seems bizarre to hear that, but deconstructivism is often associated with breaking down a simple object and altering it’s parts in various ways to achieve a deconstructed object.

What you could do to achieve such an effect is break down your theme and put it together, it’s overly simplified term, but I would definetly have a look at some deconstructivist architects and product designers to help you create similar works to them. Some renowned architects like Frank Gehry will help you grasp the concept of it.

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It looks nice and simple, although my decisions are influenced by my trypophobia. If I ignored that, i would give this a 7 out of 10

Yeah, this was actually designed for a school project, and so is this survey :smiley: .

I actually intended to do more warped features, however due to the fact that Autodesk Fusion 360 doesn’t like to consider me a student, and not having used Blender since August as well as that being an old version, rather than messing up the project, I kept it more simplistic, which hindered the deconstructivism theme. Blender also decided it wanted to crash without saving my progress so I had to restart.

Thanks for the reply though. Do you don’t mind if I add part of the comment (as shown below) into a powerpoint? You’re user won’t be referenced.

I’m fine with my feedback being used in your project, glad to know I could help out!

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