Feedback on Deepwoken Layer 2 Arena


Due to the upcoming release of Deepwoken layer 2 I decided to make an Arena in the Deepwoken style(?) as a passion project! While I was never too interested in the content for the game the world building truly blew me away and I always wondered if I could ever replicate that style.

So here’s my attempt!


The arena itself is top notch, I cant see anything undesirable


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i can’t deny that the build itself is very very detailed, but if i am a player in this game, i wouldn’t find this place Interesting, because the environment is quite bland.maybe change the dark skybox or adjust the lighting to make this place more motivative.


It looks too perfect and serious. You should add some detail that makes it imperfect so it doesn’t feel bland.

Examples of what you could add:

  • Cracks in the floor.
  • Some objects shaped differently than others.
  • Change the angle and position of some objects.
  • Decorations or details that add lore.

This is good feedback,

There is no environment to this build for it to be interesting however I do get where you’re coming from. I would have loved to change the skybox but this was done inside of an experience that I don’t have control of the skybox. The lighting is of pure intention as I tried to mimic the lighting of “The Depths”.

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This is valuable feedback.

The environment is supposed to be serious, an arena is no laughing matter, however I would definitely enjoy making it less perfect. Originally I actually planned for the build to be broken down and worn but the effort to do all of that in the time made was too technical beyond my current understanding (I’m pretty new to Roblox building).

The idea of adding lore is definitely something I missed out on. I should’ve done that originally no questions so thank you for that reminder.

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i thought you were a deepwoken dev and you were asking for feedback cause GOD DANG that looks good. the circles on the outside could be different shapes if you make a unique reason for them, like square, triangle, circle and whatever other shape exists. and what Zeleiro said was smart.

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I second this, Making the map looked aged or “lived in” will go along way.

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I’m currently working on all the feedback that has been provided and will soon showcase the improvements as I progress. Aging, unique changes and even demolition will all be present by the time I’m done hopefully you’ll enjoy the revamp when it arrives!

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