Feedback on details needed

I made a simple house and i want to have some feedback on How to make it more detailed, thank you for stopping by.


In you want more detail here is what I think you can do

  • Add door handles
  • Give the part of the house on the right more shape by either increasing its height or by making it into an L or something.
  • Add smoke that comes out from the chimney.
  • Maybe turn the one big window into two smaller ones.
  • Add more foliage to the front of the house likes bushes.

This is all I could think of at the moment, hope this helps.


Were you going for a simplistic style? If not, I would apply materials or textures to most of the parts.

I was trying to go for low poly but it turned out to be a simple block build.

I would say this house didn’t really have a clear direction, it has the facade of a modernish house but the overall shape is something that isn’t particularly modern. I would recommend looking at images of the type of building you wanna do before you build the house.
I would also recommend varying the thickness of a few bricks as that would make it look more interesting.
Also I would suggest changing the shape of the overall house a little bit as if you look it from a architectural standpoint there is a lot of space used up for the entrance while not a lot of space for the living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc.