Feedback on Difficulty Chart Obby


Hey Developers!, I’ve been working on a game. A difficulty chart obby. The game is still WIP! and there might be bugs. I made a custom Donation board and lobby, everything was made by me! I made the game on my alt!

Game Link:

Thanks for the feedback!

  • Alt_youlzr

The shift lock switch is broken on mobile devices

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Oh okay, I will try to fix, thanks!

The Ui looks really neat, found a spelling mistake though:


It should be “Information”


Oh, thanks for thee feedback, I will fix that


Hey :wave:, The Ui looks nice and smooth and is really good although the lobby is big and plain and there is a long path to donation board and credits. I enjoyed the obby and completed it and it was enjoyable but you should probably add some signs to help new players such as “This part takes away health”.

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Okay, thanks! I was planning on adding that after I finish building because I want to get three difficulties done with before the official release, I will be adding more stuff to the lobby. Thanks!

  • Alt_youlzr

Also thank you sooo much for the doantion!
Greatly appreicated!

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Do you add people or not? character limit

No, sry. Character limit

Oh, okay Character limit

I am also an obby builder with about a year and a half of experience so here are my thoughts on this obby!


The lobby looks really good!

The start to the obby looks well made and looks like a lot of effort was put into it.

I like how there’s 2 different islands so it isn’t just thrown into the main lobby area.

I like how much effort was put into the donation boards! I also like how there’s a donation board leaderboard!



I like how the background is transparent so you don’t see the frame as much. I also like how it blends in with the Core Guis like the chat box.


I like how neat the Skip Stage button and the stage counter / stage selecter is.


I like how there’s an FPS counter.

And lastly, the progress bar, I like how neat it looks!

Obby Stages

I like how good the allignment is on stages 1-2.

Stage 3 I like how there’s a short cut and how neat it looks and how much effort was put into it.

For the conveyors, maybe make it so there’s an arrow pointing in the direction it will push you towards, or make an arrow that moves the exact speed the conveyor will push you towards.

Stage 17, I like how smooth it was made, like you smoothened each one. Like this.


Lastly, for the last stage, maybe add a winners area, or a sign that says “You beat the obby! More coming soon…”.


  • Add some music to the game, it’s quiet.


Very fun game! I wish there were more stages. The game play was great. The UI was awesome. And there wasn’t any lag.

I would rate this game a 9.5/10.