Feedback on Duck mask UGC item

Hello, I spent a few days perfecting a mask that I have wanted to create for a very long time. Though I am unsure if it look awesome or just “ok.” or terrible.

Images of Low-Poly Ducky Mask and mesh information.

Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 12.40.57 PM
And here’s how optimized it is:

It has a count of 552 vertices and 1,030 tris

And here is the High-Poly version of it.

Images of High-Poly Ducky Mask and mesh information.

And here is the optimization of this mesh:

It has 968 vertices and 1,862 tris.

Please keep in mind that the high poly version of this mesh is not 100% complete and I would have to move a few things around like these:
Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 12.55.13 PM
Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 12.55.28 PM

I would extremely appreciate for you to give me as much constructive criticism as possible. Please vote and leave a reply below, thanks!

  • The Low poly one looks INSANE!! :star_struck:
  • The High Poly one looks INSANE!! :star_struck:
  • The Low poly one looks good :neutral_face:
  • The High Poly one looks good :neutral_face:
  • The Low poly one looks horrible :face_vomiting:
  • The High Poly one looks horrible :face_vomiting:

0 voters

Also, would you like to see this as a UGC item on the catalog?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

As always, thank you for reading! :grinning:

Not interesting in seeing really, as there’s a’lot of masks.

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You can’t really complain about me creating an item in which there is already a remarkable amount of on the catalog, as there are at least 10,000s of items on the catalog, of every accessory. Is there any other reason why you do not care for this item?

I suggest making the insides of the beak more pinkish, aswell as a tongue!

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Never said I was complaining, but not interesting in seeing, nor would I really buy it, as it doesn’t look that good.