Feedback on "EditableMesh"

This example uses the EditableMesh:CreateEditableMesh() api call, which is deprecated.

It also does not use or explain how to use the MeshContent or Content properties.

Affected URL:

The only code examples I found on that page use AssetService:CreateEditableMesh() which is not deprecated.

The content datatype is explained here, but I’ve added some summaries to AssetService for Content datatype Variables.

You can check my pull request here. Also feel free to make edits and pull requests for any inconsistencies or parts that need clarification in the docs in the future here.

Not sure how to link directly to it, but its the example for RaycastLocal

-- Initialize EditableMesh in space
local success, editableMesh = pcall(function()
return AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(Content.fromUri("rbxassetid://ASSET_ID"))

local meshPart = nil

if success then
local initialSize =, 1, 1)

meshPart = editableMesh:CreateMeshPartAsync(initialSize)  --This one
meshPart.Parent = workspace

Sure, will be happy to contribute, just thought I’d ask first just in case it was in progress.

Was just struggling with the MeshContent vs TextureContent workflow myself and figuring out how it’s meant to work, as it’s different between editableMeshes and editableImages

changing status to fixed/closing due to MrChickenRocket’s contribution