Feedback On Factory!

Hello, I got bored so I built a factory. I would like some feedback and some suggestions on things I could change to make the factory look better.


It looks really nice! Is there anything on the inside? If there isn’t you should decorate it and post that too. It isn’t much of a factory without a production area. The outside is pretty good though!

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It looks good for a simulator type of game!
What I would like to see is a little more detail. (I get this is low-poly and details make it look messy but still.)

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Looks great! Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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There’s nothing inside at the moment as I was focusing on the outside and getting the main parts done. Any suggestions on what to add Inside?

I was just building it for fun because I had nothing else to do and when I went on the DevForum and I’ve see other people selling random models so then I started thinking about selling it. So If I kept it empty they could decorate it depending on the type of game there making. I also wouldn’t know a good price but I was thinking maybe 50 robux or so??

I enjoy the low poly style you decided on, i don’t feel like the effect is clicking, maybe something more simple? i don’t know just a empty thought

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The factory at the moment right now is already pretty simple, I’m not sure how I could possibly make it more simple as any simpler might not look good at all.

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Im sorry i couldn’t give you any good suggestions that you could work with, my reply was barren and shallow. it looks really good other than that though keep up the good work!.

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I don’t know about a price (I am not really experienced in that type of thing) but if you provided something on the inside to inspire others (if you sold this) or to just be used with the model it would help with selling it. Some things you could put inside would be conveyors and depending on the type of factory: assembly lines, smelters, boilers, big vats of liquid e.t.c. I just think that having something on the inside would really add to the build. Maybe even an assembly line that ends with a fully made car to drive out one of the side doors. Of course you don’t have to add any of this, and I understand this was a project made out of boredom. Keep working hard! :smiley:

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The factory looks quite decent, if your wanting it to look more better in my case I would add more exterior props around the building including other factory items. However this overall depends if your going for a complete factory system.

I’d play around with including a few more additions that could give it a more factory feel, having a few reference images by your side will help on what is missing from your build (Boxes, Containers, Blue Crates, ect).

The build looks fine in my opinion, why not add some air vents on the roof part to make it look not un detailed and empty. Right now you can experiment with including a few more decorations to make it stand out.

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I love these low-poly builds.
I personally think the Factory itself looks really well done. Nice Job :+1:t4:

However, I think that there is yet not enough decoration outside of the Factory. Especially theses Areas still seem a bit empty.

Maybe add some fencing or more typically props like containers, etc. to it.


I think it is good, but you should make it so the smoke is not just a straight smoke line, and I think it should be more transparent.

When I was making the smoke stacks I went off some google images and every single one of them had very dense smoke

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