Feedback on fighting map

  I want feedback on my red vs blue team map.

Well, I’d suggest both making it larger and limiting direct access. Currently, you can just shoot the other team from your base. Consider adding details, things to hind behind, terrain variation, etc. And make sure people can’t just walk off the map.

Seems very basic, there is only a few walls, spawns and a flag on each side. The map doesn’t look finished and the edge of the grass just leads to the edge. You should try adding more detail to your map and add in other structures or something to boarder off the edge without looking too plain.


Add some decoration, trees are cool! I think it looks pretty basic so far and you need to add more things to make it look more interesting.

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I’m going to be honest with you here. The map is extremely basic. The bases look terrible. You need to add more detail such as rocks, plants, broken down object, etc. Also that is a small space to fight on so I would suggest add more. Depending on the type of game, maybe you can add different type of maps as well to not fight in the same place. Good luck with the changes!

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Guys, is this a bit better?


Hello, you should add the realistic grass to your game it makes your game look better(in my opinion).


Yes, it does look more detailed, but I think you should have more obstacles, make it look more natural, and again, make it so that the two bases are not directly across from each other-
And make it so players cannot just walk off the edge of the map, again-

it is extreamly empty and not very detailed

Okay so, I am guessing you are just starting out, not bad if I am correct, but for todays Roblox standars, that looks pretty, basic and looks like it was made back in 2012-2013 roblox.

For start, I suggest you to play with rotation tools, play with free models (Watchout for those that have “lua viruses” in them aka those that potentially steal your game and lag your game), take some inspiration from free models, try to recreate them, etc… Try to play with unions, I don’t suggest roblox terrain, because I just never liked building with it, you don’t have that much options over it, instead for start use the basic, grass baseplate, but you really should, to improve your current map, do the following;

Try recreating those tree models, if I can see it right, I think those are free models, it doesnt matter if your recreation is bad, you are basically training yourself in some sort by recreating those models, thats actually how I started, try playing with your grid and studs distance (I recommend around 0.2 stud distance.)

Add bumps, such as hills, mountains, do not keep the water in that shape, try making random islands in the water,…

Now lets talk detail, add roblox terrain grass, add more stuff around the map, change the base shapes, not them being that basic, try to play with meshes, custom shapes, add random stuff around the map, like a bridge on that water or something along those lines…

And for the last thing, fill as much space as you can, it just looks empty with a couple trees sprinkled in… Add rocks, or as I said, add hills, or something along those lines…

Anyway, overall, if this is your first ever build, good job, I cant judge you if it is your first time in studio building stuff, at my first time, I didnt even know how to scale a brick, keep on working, and one day, you will be an good builder.

I would improve the start bases a bit, by meaning, there needs to be more things blocking a player’s view from the other character so they can stay secret and stealthy. I would also improve the map heavily by adding some of these.

  • Trees
  • Hills
  • Broken down buildings
  • Watch Towers
  • Flowers
  • Weapons that are found secretly around the map
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