Hello, I’m ZakrapGamingYT, at the moment I’m busy making an arena! Please give me feedback, on how to improve it!
Are you going for a sci-fi arena?
Well kinda. It’s like a futuristic arena. Its for a game. Arena Fighter
ok, maybe some seats and make the arena 2-3 floors high. Maybe make a throne for the emperor (if your going for that) to sit on. Add some pillars to hold ip each arena. The bottom of the arena should be sand or dirt. Maybe make the wall’s color a bit lighter.
add seats and a gate
just add more details
Thanks I’ll have those in mind!
Hmm I was thinking about that!
really needs detail, this is just too smooth for an arena, add cracks to walls in places holes in the ground, maybe some broken pieces of the walls/floor or anything in the arena lying in random places.
good idea! I’ll keep that in mind!
That atully beautiful and I think you need to make like a sword fight arena game.
I’ve removed the emoji’s from your post title to keep it concise and to the point.
ok. thanks for your help.
Yeah I was also thing that!