I am not really good at this at all and didn’t really watch any good tutorials.
Pretty cool. I’d recommend using this program called Substance Painter. It an adobe thing. Just insert your 3d model and paint. You can ask me for help if you need it : ).You can get a 30 free trial (No credit card needed.)
yeah i knew about this and wanted it but its kinda pointless if i cant have it forever.
Well you can still try it.
Well im sure there are ways to keep it as long as possible
There is Substance Painter on Steam, which is only a one-time payment. The only downside is, as expected, you’ll only get updates for that version’s life year. In the description of the 2022 version, it says you will get free updates up to the end of 2022, then if you want any new features and such, you’ll have to buy the 2023 version for full price.
I am planning on getting SP soon as well, since trying to manually create the UV maps and color/draw the textures for my UGC items is such a pain.
The price is not cheap of course; it is $150 on steam. But you will keep it forever, and it’s just that one payment. In our world where seemingly every utility is now a subscription, I’d say it’s worth it in the long run. But like @itssssjohnpena said, you can get a free trial to learn it and test it out before buying.
i tried making a new account. it doesnt work.
Yeah. If you dont want to do all the UV and texture stuff(cause its such a pain to do like @Kruziivax said.) you can use substance painter as it saves a lot of time.
Substance painter is pretty easy to use(opinion) so I recommend getting it.
I’ve I have already giving that an attempt couldn’t find anything though😭
Yeah if i had the money to spent $150 i’d for sure do it but at this time that is not possible but i guess i can try the 30 day trail and se where that goes.