Feedback on first aura

I recently made an aura for the first time, I barely have any experience with particle emitters and effects so feedback is very much apricated!



Thatā€™s cool dude, how did you do that?

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Sorry for the late reply, The fire is just a couple particle emitters I put into each arm, leg and the torso and the fog is also just a particle emitter set to 10 lifetime and a rate of 1.

Oh ok, that makes sense. Have you thought about making auras for items too like blades or guns?

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Thatā€™s actually a really good idea iā€™ll have to try that sometime, should be able to do a better job aswell.

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Looks mazing, im a noob with VFX so dont take my opinion as too valuable hahaha. One thing i think you can do to get more accurate feedback is to post a video of the auras because sometimes you can notice flaws or appreciate better the quality when in movement.

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I completely agree, hereā€™s a video of the aura on my avatar in game.

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try turning on lock to part on the particle emitters so they wont trail behind the player, and then make a smoke particle emitter without locked to part on so it will trail. i think that would look nicer


Youā€™re right that looks so much better, thanks!

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Iā€™ll preface this: Iā€™m not the best VFX Artist, but Iā€™d consider myself decent.

If you're trying to go with a more fiery look, though:
  • try having more texture variety, it looks like youā€™re only using a singular texture for the flames.
  • Try to have the particles in a randomized pattern of shrinking and growing, itā€™ll give a more erratic, uncontrollable look to it, Iā€™d say.
  • Experiment with color contrasts, I see the middle of the ā€˜Phantom Fire,ā€™ is more of a light green converting to lime. So, try to have it start as light green and as it gets closer to the end of its lifespan it becomes more of a lime color.
  • Experiment with the addition of smoke to the flame. It can add the look of heat with the addition of smoke.

For your first aura, itā€™s pretty good - better than my first, for sure. This is just me under the assumption that you want the fire to trail, but, if you want it to lock onto the player take these with a bit more of a grain of salt. But, if youā€™re trying to go with a fiery look:

Hereā€™s a summarization of what I said if youā€™d like that better:
Experiment with more textures, and sizes to have a more erratic fiery look. Also, try num sequencing the fire itself as it approaches the end of its lifespan, and experiment with how smoke would influence the ā€˜feeling.ā€™

Hopefully, you can find something useful out of what I think could improve the aura, since Iā€™ve not made many fiery VFXs.

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Looks great and that font fits perfectly.


This aura looks cool! Nice job on it!

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