Feedback on first blender model


I’m in the middle of developing a Roblox game from scratch and I’ve made my first (ever) blender model. Can you guys give me some feedback and ways I could improve and make this model better? Thanks!

(By the way, since this is my first ever blender mesh/model, please don’t mock me if it’s bad lol)


/e wave Why hello!
I’ve used blender once and gave up trying to make a circle.
So for your first time, and even if this was your 100th time as a pro, this is amazing, good work my friend! Keep it up!

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Looks really well-made, the drawers in my opinion should have a different wood color to it :ok_hand:

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Uh My first blend was a car that looked like a plane crash even though I followed a tutorial exactly so this is 1000x better than mine

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For your first blender model, this is pretty clean! Congrats!

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I don’t use Blender, but for a first time this looks great! Keep up the good work!

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Hello! I hope you are doing good!

Its look so good. Are you sure its your first (ever) blender model?
Because its so perfect! Great Job

Thanks for reply!

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Yes! This is my first ever model. I’ve had Blender sitting on my desktop for ages now and this is the first time I’ve made something out of it! Thank you so much for your feedback!

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