Feedback on first build in a while

Hey, I haven’t really built anything since 2015 and wanted to get back into it recently. I’m trying to work my way around studio and whatnot but I wanted to just test the exterior of a building and come here for constructive criticism and answers about where to go next. Now, the colours are obviously unfinished and just a placeholder. Thank you!
(Also, I’m new to the forums so if this doesn’t belong here please let me know :grinning:)


Looks good for your first build since 2015. I would make it less blocky though. Can’t wait to see improvements!


My answer related to my personal experience:

Hello there! First of all, I have a question… To personally give the best and most constructive answer, I need to know the following things: ‘When you started building?’, ‘Why you stopped building and when?’ and many other things. :heartpulse:

Anyway, I will give a personal feedback!

I think that with any type of texture or decal it would look more realistic, nice for eyes, and in general, it would improve your building. Also… I would add a little bit more detail. Like windows, torches or light, (if it’s a church) some decoration, a carpet, more care in building, etc… :heartpulse:

But! Let’s not forget that it is awesome (considering that you didn’t build since 2015). I love the shape and especially the door and let’s not talk about the lights, they’re nice constructed. I’m sure that after some weeks or maybe months you will achieve the skills that you had back in the past, good luck and keep building! :heartpulse:

Possibly post mistake: I don’t think that the category of Building Support should count on this post since it is more likely related to bugs, errors that appear related to building. Please don’t judge me and feel free to tell me if I’m being dumb, this is my first post and maybe I am completely WRONG!

Gyazo | The part affected and that you may edit (I think).


Hey! Thanks so much to both of you for the feedback. I started building casually in 2013 and stopped in early 2015 because life got busy :smile:

This build looks great for somebody returning to building after a couple of years. Great job!

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Decent build, but I’d give it more detail, such as making it less blocky of the sides and making the place more realistic or cartoony depending on what kinda of theme your trying to achieve. Some examples of areas that lack detail.

Depending on what type of build your creating I feel like your going for a castle build if I’m not mistaken? I would try adding more shape so it doesn’t look repetitive parts the too square blocks could possibly use different shapes giving it a more unique look anything off and is thus unnecessary.

Consider adding a few objects on the build like lights or possibly textures or different materials giving it a better structure, however I can’t give too much feedback do you mind explaining what you’re going for? So it could give us a better understanding


Thanks so much!
30 characterss

For sure, I see that the design is a little blocky, it was late and I was tired :smile:. I don’t think I really had a specific intention - mainly aimlessly building until I came up with something substancial. I decided to get back into developing impulsively so my goal isn’t really clear. I understand that this also plays a role in the development of the build

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Is it a castle or desert building? I would suggest adding more detail such as a better door, raising the roof, make it less blocky,adding windows etc. looks alright since its your first since 2015 and studio has changed quite a lot since.

Thanks for the advice, I’m taking all of this in. Yes, I didn’t really know where to start when I first opened studio

I think it’s good for your first time in a while but there are some things you should add. I’m assuming you are going for a church? I’m guessing from the cross on the front. I think you should make it a bit bigger, as it looks like three square’s put together. Also some windows would look nice, possibly stained glass. I like the lights on the outside and perhaps you could make it a bit taller to add more space to it. Overall great job so far :slightly_smiling_face: