Feedback on first ever thumbnail

hello developers ! i revently made my first ever thumbnail and i would like to know your thoughts feedback and suggestions on it . if you could give me some tips to improve id love that too :slight_smile:

(I made the clicker master logo on the bottom)


Poses are stiff, Clearly fake sky, Lighting is bland, Grass unrealistic, No vocal element and you can tell the water is fake.

I suggest watching tutorials on lighting and looking at examples for poses. Also make sure there is a clear vocal element and make the grass darker.


alright appriciate the feedback ! and the map was sent to me by the customer like that so didnt really know what to do about the fake water and unrealistic class


If I did not read the title, I would already say it belongs in a professional ROBLOX game. Not a realistic looking game, but a simulator would be best. I cannot believe this is your first thumbnail because it really does belong in a professional simulator game.


Thanks man really motivating :grinning: ! And yes it’s for a simulator game