Feedback on First Fps map

I have created this future city FPS map, I have been working on it for three days. I would like feedback on the parts you like and dislike. If you want to visit the game it will be open. This map has about 1000 parts. Game link: Struggle and Resistance - Roblox. I will change it up a lot to get a nice finished result and the game mechanics are not in yet. Beta will be released 12/30/2020 or 12/31/2020.

Pictures are here:


The build does not fit well with the terrain, I recommend you change the terrain. Add a grass part instead. Also, for the lighting I recommend using future lighting and adding some atmosphere as well. Lastly, make the spawn location invisible.

I will take your advice and do that but what do you think about the build is it too much or does it need a change. More buildings, a change maybe in colors or simply change the map around. I would like to hear your thoughts on this map. Thanks for the feedback.