Feedback On First Game Logo Design

I started to design simple game logos and I would like some feedback to improve my logo designing, so feel free to give me any feedback or suggestions!


I like it! The door needs to be a little more cartoony, like the letters. Good job! :slightly_smiling_face:


I tried to make it look like a chocolate ;-;
well if it looks like a door i have to improve alot more and I mean like ALOT more!


Oh oop- I thought it was a door. Like in this photo

you could make the square outlines look a little more 3D or just bigger, and then make the squares bigger and less space between them.

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Thanks! I’ll be sure to work on that

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If you want to make the door looking thing look like chocolate I suggest to put it in some wrapping like this:

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Looks nice. Could and some shading to the door and letters. Besides that, looks nice!

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To be honest, this logo looks kind of empty. I would perhaps resize the logo to make it more readable and take up space? But all and all this is pretty solid!

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Thanks, I’ll do my best to work on your feedback given!

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It’s a nice start! I recommend learning about shadows and highlighting, and maybe add more like text variation, stripes, etc.

The chocolate bar looks like a door so shadow and highlighting will play a huge part in your designing later on! Overall, not bad!

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I recommend using more detailed icons. They really make or break the logo.

My Attempt To Recreate This Logo

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Thanks, I’ll try more best, I’ll ask my teacher to try and teach me about logo shadows and highlighting!

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I’ll look at your Logo as a big inspiration!

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It’s good progress! Nice job!

One thing I will critique are the edges. I feel like they vary too much. The lettering has heavy white borders, while the chocolate has thin grey/black lines, and the lollipops have none. I think keeping the edges in the same color and shape would make the logo more uniform. I think the white edges are the best. You could vary with their seize, but the color is what makes it feel part of the logo instead of a different part just bundled together.

The word Tycoon not being centered also looks off-putting. It just feels like a random spot.

Lastly, I suggest to play around with shadows to add more depth to the chocolate bar.

Good luck!

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Thanks, For The Feedback, I’ll try and improve as much as I can!

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