First GFX I have ever made.
i think the Gfx looks good but can you turn a little bit bright for the green camera that was looks good just like night vision camera and if you don’t know what is night vision camera is…
well it look like this:
another example of night vision camera but this is a scope one.
so it better when you people go to night and turn on the night vision camera that can bright the character out so…it just need little brighter for it.
i think that all and always see you next time…
It’s too dark, add some more lighting. Overall it’s pretty good for a start. Maybe use a HDRI for more better lighting?
Overall it is good, just a bit too dark and needs more lighting to it, in my opinion, but overall if it is your first GFX, that is really good, keep up the good work.
Looks pretty good, still a bit dark and the background is very empty. Add rocks or trees or some sort of cover?
Mhm! I also agree to this comment!
Thanks for the feedback! I will keep in mind. I will try to add some stuff next time, thanks. (and fix the lighting)
I think you should add more details trees, clouds a lake? Or something like that.This could be easily with photoshop or any other editing software. Otherwise lookin’ good!