Feedback on first gfx

Hello, I recently made my own GFX. How it looks?


If this is your very first GFX then you must have done alot of research on GFX’s because as far as Im aware that background looks like an HDRI Background

And usually beginners dont use those but if the shoe fits wear it I guess

Great job!


Thank you for your feedback!
Im always trying my best.


I think it looks very good although I suggest having light on a side of the face since theres no reason to have the face shadowed since it’s not like mafia boss/mysterious person. The hdri also looks very low quality, suggest using a more high quality one (like 4k, etc) over all it looks pretty good for a first time (Oh and one more thing theres some green light reflecting from the arm even though the trees is far away and the color of green isn’t the same as the trees and it doesn’t look like the shirt )

I know about the hdri lol. It was really late so I couldn’t have time to download high quality hdr file.

It doesn’t take a long time to download an hdri? They’re just images and shouldn’t be very large files. Usaully 4k works for me (and for photorealism renders)

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First of all this looks really good and neatly done, the lighting and colours are really beautiful and the background and sun goes with it making it look even better, great work you are really talented.

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Only around midnight for me :slight_smile:

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This is actually your first GFX? Dang, that’s really good! All I can recommend is making the person a bit lighter. I’m excited to see what your gonna do in the future. :wink:

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