Feedback on first Low Poly build

Hey! I was pretty bored so I decided to try out the Low Poly / Cartoony build style, and so far I’ve just built a simple looking house and I’d like to hear your thoughts on it!

Everything was made in Roblox Studio, no use of Blender.


Again this is my first time trying out this style of building, so I still have to improve quite a lot.


Color wise, It looks great! Design wise, ehh It can need some work. For example, the shape of the roof looks really strange, try making it smooth.


First time!? This is amazing, great job! :smile:

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I have a hard time believing you made this all in studio. How did you make the curves and sides so well? That is great!

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I used Gapfill and Resize Align plugins, sure I’ve had a few small difficulties but in the end it works.

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As another poster said, the house has a peculiar shape, but this isn’t necessarily bad. The most important thing is just that your style is consistent across all of your visual assets, and that it’s not totally unattractive for your players. I think it looks very good, personally, but it might be something to collect more feedback on.

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That is amazing for your first build! Great work. :+1:

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