Feedback on first model

This is a christmas tree, hope you like it! My first model, tell me how can i improve and what to model next!


Awesome! You should make the lights (or neon spheres) stick out less. But, the new year tree looks awesome! Keep up the best work! (edit: the tree somewhy looks like the trees in simulator games)

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i know that it looks like a simulator tree, i picked a reference image of a simulator


Very simplistic and calm colors .Eye pleasant and perfect for simulators that go by the low poly way ((as the most simulators today)) . A lot of options where this could fit in ,awesome work for your first model ! You can improve just by creating more and more models ,different types each time and try and put more effort into the next than into the previous ,at least that’s what I did ! Keep it up ! :slight_smile: :+1:

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I like that! Could have some more decoration but yeah… Nice job and keep it up!

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i like it the only thing that is missing is a star

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Looks very cute. I think you should give the leaves of the tree a bit more of a texture. :cake:

Wow! It looks really well but you should make the glowing orbs more detailed maybe some needs reflectance?

The tree seems a little too plain and simple, the neon lights, you should give them a reflect and add some leaves texture, but overall keep up the work.