Feedback on First UI Design

Hello! So lately, I’ve been looking into UI Designing. I’ve been following tutorials and such.

I recently created a design that I wanted to share and get feedback on. It’s VERY basic! But, as a beginner, I can say it’s acceptable. :slight_smile:

In terms of quality, I would like to get tips on how to improve that. :slight_smile: I use photoshop.



wow first design!

thats pretty good, makes sure its scaled on all devices though


How do I scale it for all devices? I’m very new to this kind of stuff.


This is pretty good for a first design.

Great job!


Instead of using offset in properties for size and position, use scale and it will convert auto

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That looks great for your first UI design. I would say you make the drop shadow not so thick for the twitter icon as well as the base of the UI. Also, maybe change the font and work on the spacing of the UI. Additionally, I would suggest you make the “X” smaller on the close button of the UI as well.

Overall, that’s a great UI for your first user interface design though with some more work put into the UI, it will look better. :+1: