Hello everyone, I just made a flamethrower and I would like some feedback.
Note: It is one of my first times making a weapon.
Thanks in advance
Hey, it looks good for your first time making weapon! But the fuel is rather small and unrealistic it should be large.
I think you did an excellent job even thought it’s your first time. The detail of the flamethrower is precise - but I agree with @MadDogofTojo about making the flamethrower’s fuel can a bit larger.
I think it looks good, and yes I do agree with @MadDogofTojo on making the fuel canister larger, also on that note, make the canister at an angle, about the same angle as the handle facing up and to the front so that it doesn’t just stick out on the bottom, or even make it like I just said but also on the left side since it’s probably right hand dominant weapon (it also makes it more compacted into one area not taking up so much room).
Hey @gpm231. You are VERY talented. This flame thrower is amazing, and I like how it’s designed.