Feedback on floatation module

So I’ve been working on my new project and new thing I was making is object float system.

It works by using the game’s gravity, object mass and water density to make it up float and anything with a higher surface area rises slower than a lower surface area.

All objects are able to manipulate with other object like push each other down and still be able to float back up.

The wave generation is still in progress.


This is a really cool floatation device with a lot of potential. The only thing that could improve it is too make it more stable when it sinks. When I drown a flotation device it is more stable then what is in the video. Other than that, Great work!


What do you mean by stable when it sinks

Not stable… When it goes underwater it looks like it is having a seizure

Well the first one was good but when you did the bigger ones they wobbled alot

Maybe because things can rotate around in water