Hello! I’m currently making a fast pace story FPS, this is one of the ability’s from the game! Its very buggy at the moment since I just started working on it today, but it follows the players and as of right now there is not auto pilot kill as I want there to be. any feedback on this?
As you stated, it is very buggy and laggy. It’s a cool concept and reminds me of one of the people from The Guardians of the Galaxies weapons. Also, in the video, it doesn’t really look like an arrow, it just looks like a rectangle.
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Heyo! Yup, Based off the arrow in guardians of the galaxy, as of right now that is just a placeholder model, i’ll be sure to optimize it more and will be adding things like a trail and bezier curves so then it turns towards people, aswell as auto killing as mentioned.
Sweet! It’s an awesome idea and sounds like it will be fun to play with in-game. Keep me posted!
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