Feedback on Freight Train

I made a train that works and I want some feedbacks or suggestions for it if you have any


(also i’ll fix the hinge visibility later)



It looks nice but

it would be great if you show a video of it working.

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More concerned about the tracks here; where are the sleepers?

You might wanna add more detail on the wheels as well, like screws

Here is a video

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I added the sleepers , ill add more details to the wheels soon

Looks fine, but lacks detail, it looks too flat and plastic-like,

try adding some more details, like screws, numbers, warning labels, vents, decals, etc., and add some more materials/variation to spruce it up a bit

Okay I added some detail to the top and the front and back and some vents


Still looks a bit too plastic like, try changing a lot of the plastic material for metal

It is metal material a a a a a aa a

The only place I see it is in the front unless if it’s the weird lighting but the body of the train looks like plastic to meet, could also just be weird lighting

Wait did you meant diamondplate?

I added some more texture to the train

The design needs to have more texture it is kinda a blank build on the sides but good shape just needs more texture to the sides, I would highly recommend a photo of a train that looks like it and take the texture off it or you just go off what you know, but it looks great just need texture and I can tell your game will do well.

Keep up the good work! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Just a quick question, did you add animation for the trains wheel?

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it is physics so the wheel spins automatically

I really like your train, but…

(this is an example not mine)
As you can see a train have a lot of details. Bolts, vents, chimneys, and more. I have to agree that the profile of the train is kinda plain.

But overall I really like your train.