Feedback on Futuristic Game Intro

So as the title says, I made a loadingsequence/intro for my futuristic game. It is pretty long so I can’t put it here as a video.

Here is the link to the place on Roblox —> menu_hyperfun2021 - Roblox
(flash warning)
(better with audio)

I wont explain much in this post; you should see it for yourself! Any feedback is highly appreciated.


Its very cool, i was just wondering how you made the part count loader (the one that said 174/645 )
over all i think that it suits the futuristic theme

I use something like this

local contenProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")

local toLoad = game.Workspace:GetDescendants()
local total = #toLoad
for i,v in pairs(toLoad) do
	Screengui.Frame.Textlabel.text = "loading_please_wait-- " .. i .. "/" .. total .. " "

you can also show name of the part by using and make a loading bar. But i wanted to keep it simple

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