Im currently working on a game called “Pls AFK” and I made an Icon for it (Its my first time btw)
What do you guys think and what should I improve. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated
(just edited it bcz it was triggering some ppl)
Im currently working on a game called “Pls AFK” and I made an Icon for it (Its my first time btw)
What do you guys think and what should I improve. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated
(just edited it bcz it was triggering some ppl)
The logo is ok but the game seems very bad ngl. If you want to make a game try being more creative, I don’t think anyone wants to play a game where you do nothing. Also I think its against Roblox policy to falsly advertise free Robux because you can’t give free robux away.
its too crowded and will only appeal to embryos, remove the rainbow text
Try scaling it down then reading the text, my feeling is it’s not going to be that easy to read.
Yes I see your point, I have changed it to Earn robux instead. Thanks! ( also ik the game idea is bad )
Alright thanks for your suggestion! Will work on it.
The text seems too small…I wouldn’t say free robux; it could get you banned.
By too small what do you mean?
The icon is alright, but it has way too much stuff going on in it, and it’s way too crowded. Remove some of the text and just put the name of the game in the icon instead of them.
The alarm clocks are bad, why are they there?
It will appear too small in search results and may be hard for some people to read. I would make it larger.
Alright thanks for your help. Will work on it.
A good thumbnail conveys the game through a single picture and using little text. If you want to add lots of text, use the description, but you need the thumbnail to get them to click on it first.
A better thumbnail should show the user the objective of the game and display the title of the game as to not get it confused with other games with similar titles.
Remember that the icon is going to be small and will blend in with other titles as the user scrolls. You need an icon that will grab attention. Putting an essay on your thumbnail doesn’t grab attention and will be difficult to read.
Alright,I think im going to redesign the enitre icon again. Thanks for all your help!