Feedback on game icon

Here’s a commission I recently finished, wanted to know your opinions.

What would you rate it?
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Portfolio if you want to hire me.


Click on the image for high-res.

This looks very clean for a game icon. Good job.


Thanks a ton! Appreciate it. Any improvments?

It looks good, but to me the pose is a little awkward, and the sun rays look off. I would maybe use a blue or gold for the sun rays.

I don’t really see anything wrong with the pose? Maybe the hand… Anyways for the sunrays I think white is the best choice because the color theme of this GFX i kind of white with all of the lighting, I also posted a newer version.

The ice cream looks out of place in my eyes.

Other than that great job.

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Uncanny valley vibes ngl

Other than that it’s good :+1:

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It’s a park tycoon and because summer is coming and icecream is the best thing.

What does Uncanny Valley mean tho?

But thanks for the positive comments.

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Looks clean but the effects behind it doesn’t really match but else, it’s just perfect!
Continue your hard work :slight_smile:

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ground is too reflective. other than that its good, just that the background doesn’t look rendered it would be cool if it was rendered

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The background is rendered, it’s just that I did most lighting in blender because it gives a better result and stuff.

Thanks! Any ideas for effects? Thanks.