Feedback on Game Icon

Today i made 2 Game Icons while Roblox was down, and i need some Feedback.

  1. Icon A

  2. Icon B

You can give Feedback and if you want, you can pick the best! :slight_smile:

  • Icon A
  • Icon B

0 voters

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Gonna be with B, A is really bright with the text.

I actually planned to change that, but now roblox is down and i can’t take the background print so rip

In the icon B. “With Care from - Entity 100” might be cropped off by a game icon rounded corner.
and In icon A. the text is too bright for me. So I choose B, It looks the best of both of them.

The cropped off part is intentional oof

icon a is too bright you can barely see anything, text doesn’t fit, background is too blurred (on top of other things)

icon b… is a masterpiece.

maybe show a bigger part of the backrooms, like an endless hallways with rooms? and a floor texture too? and maybe have something poking out of somewhere?

but that font… is insane

did you make it or did you find it? whats it name?

Even if i could do that i would need to wait some time to my Friend to make the Map.

What font? the A or B?

(Btw the Icon A is Inspirated by SCP-3008

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font for b, i was giving feedback on that

Icon A has the Font called “Vampire Wars”
And the Icon B has the Font called “Magneto”

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yeah i recognized vapire wars. magneto is just beautiful, also how do you achieve the grain effect?
and one last feedback, the background of b and a are both too pixelated

I was planning to use the “Kristen ITC” Font but it didn’t fit so well.

There’s actually 3 or 4 effects on the Font
I will need to put my Photo Editor on English since i’m portuguese

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On the Title haves the Effects:

  1. Noise
  2. Soften
  3. Glow

(On my Editor “Paint Net”)
(Btw the “1000” haves 13 Effects just to be hard to be read)

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I’m going to close the Votes on 60 Voters.
You will still can give feedback on the Replies :]