Feedback on game icon

I am creating a “limited life” game on would like feedback on my new game icon!

any feedback is appreciated.

This is the game: [CRATES!] Limited Life! - Roblox

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  1. The clock should be in the middle.
  2. Limited should be above, behind the clock.
  3. Life should be below, behind the clock.
  4. The change colors of the text to match, preferably white or similar to red.
  5. Make the clock a bit small to make way to the text.

Great icon, though! Goodluck and keep me updated.

Something like this?

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Looks better!

  1. Bring the text “limited life” to the front
  2. Change the clock itself, make it more similar to the color of the text.
  3. Text color is PERFECT.
  4. Make the task more in the middle, or something like in the general, in the side.

Here’s what I got:

and this:

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This is what I had in mind. Hope it helps!

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(It’s just something I whipped up to help you out don’t copy it exactly lol it sucks)