Feedback on Game Icon


I’m working on a game and have created a game icon, and I want some feedback on it.

Ignore the “March 2020” text, as I will remove that.

(I didn’t have a saved copy of the icon without the March 2020 text.)

I’d appreciate your feedback on it! Tell me what I need to improve! :smile: :+1:

Edit: As people have mentioned, the font should be changed. Any recommendations for a certain font I should use?


Personally, it would be more appealing it had more vibrant colors and the “noob” character is quite poorly photo-shopped into the background since you can see the cut you made.

The title is quite good, but there could be a font that would stand out more, or even a custom logo. I just think there could be some major improvement on the background. Overall it is decent if this is your first time making icons.



This is my first time creating an icon.

I appreciate the feedback and will be sure to work to fix it! :+1:

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This isn’t that bad. I would recommend adding more color and changing the font. I love the background, it makes it look unique. All in all, pretty good!


I appreciate your feedback on the icon! :+1:

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The text really needs work. The background color and the text color dont match that well. Also maybe look for some tutorials on how to do cool text effects.

But the noobs in the background are hilarious :laughing: This is a great idea!


i personally think that the icon is perfect if the game is how i’m imagining it, if it’s a serious game i would recommend taking other people’s advice and making it look nice; but to me i like the overall noob style to it.

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