Feedback on game Icon

I just wanna know what you guys think of these decals, criticism and all


Not too bad
Second one is definatly better but I think the black back ground is a bit boring maybe like wall in your game might add a bit more detail

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Anyway what is the game about so I give more support and criticism

Hi! To start, I love the sci-fi concept of your graphic. A few suggestions that I have would be to fill in the empty background space. This could be done by putting the character on terrain, or by adding more colors to the background. I would also add more life to the character by adding a facial expression, and even increasing the character’s size could help. One last suggestion that I have would be to play around with the text arrangement so that your character is more of the spotlight in this graphic. Hope this helped!

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Good in the overall but i dont like the text, you should add a diffirent text font
Here is a free to use website to create HD text

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The black background is the best possible representation for the game, as the game follows a wireframe graphics style

Ahh make sense now I know the style that makes things simpler

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@cartel_c @SoFuzzyy Just threw this together in blender, is this better?


alot alot better, the text, the backround and the rig blend perfectly to me

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Should i be concerned lol (100 robux test)

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yes thats not a really good CTR

i started this ad before i replaced my icon, should i expect to see that ratio rise?

  • Is your game more adapted for PC players?
    if yes, i suggest running normal roblox ads and not Sponsor ships
  • if your game is more adapted for Mobile, tablet users
    Sponsor it on like Tablet. i did it before and i had a pretty good CTR

^^ Agreed. Depending on the target audience/intended device, I would make an ad to promote the game on whichever device is best suited. With your current character rig, you could definitely create a banner ad that would be enticing.

@Dudeguy90539 The graphic looks much better! The only suggestion that I have would be to increase the text size since it could be hard to read if the graphic is resized.


Oh wow that looks amazing the font and stance of the character look really good and make it look more appealing to me
Good job

I like the newer Icon, it fits well with the old style of the Icons, as well as it being readable! Nice job on this one!