Feedback on game logo

Hi guys, so recently I’ve been trying to make a good looking game logo for our game “Ice Cream Tycoon”. As of now, I think it looks kinda good, but I’m not really satisfied with it. I’ve tried putting ice cream toppings on the letters but they end up looking weird, kind of mismatched.

So what do you guys suggest I should do with this? What should I add?


Thanks in advance.


I like the cartoony lettering. I think you should probably put a background to it and maybe try to make the letters look more shiny. Like a bubble. Perhaps you could also put a picture of ice cream next to the word Tycoon.


In my opinion I think ice creams give “happy” “bright colors” vibes so maybe you can make the background color a bit brighter, instead of just grey
Along with the background color I would suggest adding an image relevant to ice cream in the background
Also perhaps you can give the letters shadows so it doesn’t looks so bland


Honestly it looks great, I love the cartoony feeling to it. Everything on there is perfect, but one thing you could do is maybe add a background to it.


I think the lettering looks great. I think you should add a sunny background with nice visuals / images.

For example: An ice cream tycoon’s logo should have ice cream somewhere in it. Maybe add nice details like snowcaps on letters or a shop logo to really bring it to life. Make sure it looks very playful and creative.

Keep up the good work!!

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i think you have used too much brown and it also dose not fit in with the pastel colours of the other letters.

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