Feedback on Game Logo

Feedback about this Game Logo on what’s missing or could be changed is much appreciated!


Awesome logo!

The only thing I’d change is to make it so that you can fully see the word ‘Sweet’. Some things are coving it up like the cookie on the bottom left of the S and the top of the entire word ‘Sweet’.

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It’s too cluttered, to say the least.

Love it and definitely eye-catching, I saw someone say to make the word ‘sweet’ more visible and I agree but to take that point further I think both words need to be elevated and more pronounced, maybe a thicker outline?

It looks good. It’s just too cluttered and packed up. It has too many things on it. Too many colors and the ‘Sweet’ in the name is covered a bit.

This looks great! I’d say maybe try making “SWEET” more visible and try not making too much be going on in the logo at once, probably less colors would work.

Overall, great job! Keep up the great work!

It looks good! I would make it so you can see the word “Sweet” alittle bitt more and the words and thumnail ust looks compressed or cluttered in general. Its a good logo tho