Feedback on game thumbnail

Any feedback on my thumbnail for my game?
By the way if you’re wondering what I used, I used Blender and Gimp 2


Awesome thumbnail! I only have two things to add:

  1. By the term “thumbnail”, this image is going to be one of the few cycling through on your game’s page. Thumbnails are usually very detailed, and intricate with a whole scene. This is just my suggestion, if you intend to keep the image this way, then that’s totally fine!

  2. Make the zombie’s eyes neon so that they glow and portray that horror to the player (or thrill, whatever you’re going for). Eyes, in this context, are usually neon.

Other than that, good job! :+1:


Looks great, but you might add something at the background. For me, I think you should add an abandoned city or a sewer and blur it out, but it depends on you.


it looks great but in the background there should be a blurred image of the main part of your game so it’s not so empty. Looks great, can’t wait to play!

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Looks nice, but a bit simple.

First off, your background is just black. I suggest changing it to an abandon building of some sorts.

It would be cool if you made the zombies eyes glow red, that would be a nice added touch.

The added text looks great, especially with the zombie behind it. However, it appears that there is another text behind it

I also suggest aligning the bottom text with the “project” and the zombie.

Anyhow, wonderful job and I hope that helps in some way!

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Overall, the thumbnail looks okay. Here are some things you should consider:

  • Add a background to this. Make the background with fog or maybe in a cemetery.
  • Get a better font for the text. Make it look scary and freighting. I suggest for this.
  • Use proper colors for the logo, make it seem like it is something to do with zombies.
  • Maybe add a player fighting multiple zombies, to help make up the theme for this thumbnail.

Other than that, this is cool! :slight_smile:


Thank you I have been looking for font website for so long!

I remade it, tell me how it looks!

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Looks awesome, although you gotta work on that contrast between the zombie and the background… make it less obvious that you’ve just plopped a zombie on a photo. Good luck with your game :slight_smile:

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Better font could have been used with good colours , I don’t recommend gradient for fonts in this scenario , go for a colour which is bright and attractive……and font outlining white would look good…

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I like how you design your thumbnail but try adding something in the backgroud or else it will be so so so empty.


Make it seem like the zombie is in the background. Again, add more zombies into it. Maybe they are trying to chase humans down.