Feedback on Game Trailer

Hey! I released a game trailer yesterday and I’m wondering what people think of it and how I can improve.

What the game is:
(Read this after you see the trailer to see if you want to go in blind)
You can play as contestants who complete puzzles
OR you can play as ghosts who can send out various monsters/events to mess with the contestants

Here’s the trailer:

Try to ignore the obvious low quality and framerate. I’m aware that it detracts from the trailer a bit sadly. I couldn’t really do much about it.

I’m going to remake the trailer in a few months (with better quality overall), so I’m wondering what I can improve on.


Nice job!

Would be a pretty decent trailer and although you said to ignore the framerate and quality that is the main issue and ruins it really, so it might be worth getting someone with a higher performance device to record for you, and also having smoother cinematic shots.

Apart from that not bad.

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The camera shots could use some tweening instead of just you controlling it in Roblox Studio, and the fonts could be different, too.

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thanks! I did try to get some friends and other people to help record, but sadly no one could.
This was more of a test trailer really because of that

thanks for the feedback! And yeah, I agree with the smoother cam. I’m pretty bad at picking fonts too haha

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This game trailer looks VERY GOOD! Great job on it! I like the style of it! How long did it take to create the trailer?

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You could use the in game built in freecam (shift + P I think) if you account is the owner of the game as that is significantly smoother then the studio inbuilt one.

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