Hey guys! Here’s some of my work over the last few years. Let me know your thoughts
This is from when I first started properly getting into UI design. I’d been doing graphic design for a couple years prior (since 2017) but you can tell I had no understanding of UX principles + it’s pretty boring.
Here, I was beginning to develop some basic skill in texturing and coming up with more unique ideas for my work. I began to create my own iconography work, however, you can see that it was pretty poor (that backpack/inventory icon is appaling lol).
In 2022, I began to REALLY make progress. You can see that the icons (the bone + bowl) are to a significantly better than the ones in the last interface. However, this is ultimately still pretty poor from a UX standpoint
In 2023, my work improved further. This honestly isn’t great, there’s some padding issues. At the time, I genuinely thought this was amazing. It’s not BAD but could do with improvement.
This is something I made pretty recently for a project of mine with a friend. I went with a blocky/chunky art style to match the map and assets of the game. I’m super happy with how this turned out (although it’s still unfinished!)
Let me know your thoughts on how I could improve my work. I’d really appreciate it