Feedback on Gamepass Icons!


I have just made these gamepass icons for my game and I’d like some feedback and on how I can improve on them!

Icons (Old)

Premium Gamepass Icon:

Rainbow Nametag Gamepass Icon:

Rainbow Nametag Gamepass Icon (Updated):

Icons (Recently Made)

Balloons Gamepass Icon:

Segway Gamepass Icon:

I do plan on making more and adding them here for feedback! :grin:

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You did an amazing job making these icons!

My only suggestion would maybe make these text fonts the color rainbow so it’ll fit well with it!

Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the amazing feedback, I will surely try that!

I took to your advice @h_unt, and here is the finished product!:

love the font. which font is it?

The font is called Luckiest Guy. :slight_smile:

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i thought so. it doesn’t look ike that though O_O
great work on the icons!

Looks Great But Roblox Suggest that it is better to add a picture than to use text

you can get more info from here

lets hope for 10 likes

Yes, I know Roblox suggests it, but I like to do stuff my own way! :grin:

But Check That the words doesnt Cut out

The words didn’t cut when I uploaded them, so it’s all good!

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