Feedback on Gas Station!

Hello Developers, I have recently built a Gas Station based off of the game Z1(H1Z1) and I would appreciate your feedback on it!

Note: Decided to exclude the items for the time being!


Based-Off Pictures

Constructive Feedback is always Appreciated! :fuelpump:


Hello fellow developer!

From the reference pictures it looks very good. The details are great and the color pallet works. However, I would change a few things with this build. Mainly:

In the first picture, the materials on the outside (i.e the poles that are “Brick” and the “Slate”) look a little bit off. Maybe change them to “Smoothplastic” or something else?

Both the inside and outside seem very empty. Maybe add some vegetation or more detail to the area outside the store, as for the inside it will look 100 times better with something on the shelves and the floor.

Other than that it looks great, you nailed the inside of the store and have followed the details very well. Compared to the reference image you’ve done a great job!

Good luck in your future endeavours, and happy developing :wink:


The gas station looks good but i would add a tile texture on the floor as you can see in the based off pictures.