This is my first build in roblox studio and I decided to make a generator. Any feedback for future build reference and is it good?
Seems good for your first build! However, this build looks like its from 2013 or something.
awesome lol, do you have any tips?
I’d say to try add more detail in your build. Such as, start off with the lights, then work your way around.
It looks great considering its your first build. Overall its pretty ok.
It’s pretty eh, Considering this is your first build it’s ok. I think there aren’t enough parts (I counted 15) and why is the green glob stuff on the floor? + You probably forgot this but I think the grass doesn’t mix in with the build too
well i didnt change the grass just because its not for a game just making builds on the map and the green stuff is suppossed to be toxic waste and that is why there is a yellow warning symbol
Good start, way better then mine.
You could try setting the stud amount to 0.2 for the acid to make it flat on the ground
You can add a point light to the lights to brighten up the build
And maybe have everything even
Great first build!
But It’s a generator, Despite what you say it’s pretty unrealistic because no ordinary Generator would give off neon substances unless It’s something like nuclear waste but it doesn’t really look it
How did toxic waste get there-
yeah i used 0.25 but i could probably make it shorter