Feedback on GFX for IcyTea & i5k

I have finished making a GFX for @IcyTea & @i5k I hope everyone likes this GFX that I made for them :smiley: & give me some feedback please!

Also I captured both sides just to view on how it is! I hope you guys enjoyed this topic! Have a great day! :smiley:

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Looks great! I don’t think that you should add anything!


I think it looks pretty good but there should be more props in the room.

Lighting and props are very bad, you should try looking for a tutorial into blender lighting, there’s much room for improvement!


Guys, lets be honest, this needs lots of improvement. This forum has become really bad at being honest. Telling someone that their work looks “pretty good” or “looks great” doesn’t help them improve… Give positive feedback but also stop being afraid to give pointers, help and highlight things that need to be fixed.

Some pointers:

  1. The lighting is off, try to make the shading not so shiny
  2. Try making the room not so flat, add some texture to it so it doesn’t appear so shiny.
  3. Maybe try setting the light in the ceiling light and not directly behind the character.

Just like @wravager said, people have a habit of being too nice to give honest feedback.
Here are some ways you could improve:

  • Lighting; Where is the red coming from? Why is there a lightbulb, with no light?
  • Background; The background is bland as hell, needs way more detail.
  • Poses; The poses make no sense. They don’t provide any context as to what is happening here, nor do they contribute to a “natural” look. The poses are also stiff, especially the legs on i5k.

Hope I helped :slight_smile:

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That doesn’t mean you have to be hard on other people, let them try first.

Nobody is being hard here. The feedback portion of the DevForum is intended to have constructive feedback, which is given.

It may seem that way when text is taken out of the correct context, due to it showing a tone that the reader comprehends based on how they think the other feels.

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he’s not harsh. he has a point. If someone is asking critic you need to give them critic and not just compliments.

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by the way, apply textures to the models for a more realistic look.
PBR textures is important.
Besides that you should learn nodes to take control over your textures and stuff

It looks very good one thing I would say to work on is the lighting. and to make the textures on the shirt a bit weaker because the grooves on 15k shirt on the second one is very weird but very good for a beginner ! : D

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looks cool but you really need textures

I would honestly say that it looks… meh. the lack of texture on the floor ad walls makes IcyTea look like a sticker instead of a model in the second picture. It also needs to be a bit brighter.