Feedback on GFX for upcoming game

Those are pets from the game I am currently working on
Any feedback is appreciated! :smiley:
by the way this is my brother’s GFX and it’s his first time


That looks pretty cool, but the simulator-esque pets kind of ruin the atmosphere. I would remove those or put them in a less intrusive place. Some fog on the ground would be cool too. The dragon looks really epic though. Not gonna lie, pets are super oversaturated. They are basically lootboxes, and I don’t support that kind of thing giving you an actual advantage in the game. It promote a pay to win but also legalized gambling for minors aspect that I really don’t enjoy. The pets themselves have some unique parts, but they still just look like beveled cubes with a face slapped on to them. If you need to show them off, put them partially hidden by the dragon.


This looks awesome dude. I’d add a background of some sort to even the balance. As Hypothetic said, atmospheric fog would look really cool.

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My brother said he got inspiration from this GFX he saw made by @i5k for bubble gum simulator

(Not trying to compare because my brother just started working in blender and i5k is a real pro)
Edit: Also yeah the pets are neon in the game so they look like they are just a light-box. The pets do give you advantage in the game since it’s a simulator and they are not to purchase instead they are hatch-able so anyone could acquire them. And this is made just to display the pets that will be added into the game once it’s released (probably add it as a thumbnail)(the pets all come from one egg by the way) Thank you for your feedback though, anything helps :smiley:

Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely add the fog and probably change the backgrund to a lighter(but still dark) color.

I am aware, but you can buy currency, and it’s still pretty much gambling. I don’t like pets. Maybe if you made them look more unique and less like a box, but they are honestly super oversaturated and a used-and-reused game mechanic. I would like to see a simulator with something other than pets because pets are just super forced monetization that might now even fit with the theme and atmosphere of the game. That is my two cents. I do really like the dragon. If you could make the pets look more like that, then I would be ok with it.

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I agree with you that the square pets are boring, and a used-and-reused game mechanic, But if not those square pets it would literally take years to finish the game with only the pets like the dragon. We of course have more of those pets like the dragon;

But again we can’t make all of the pets look OMEGA, there have to be some common pets as well.

make the pets look like the big ones from BGS also for the standing pose its a bit off here is a refrence

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I wanted to switch up the pose because I didn’t like it the way it was in your example. Also I want to keep the same size the pets are in the game. Thank you for your feedback :smiley:

True. I would like to see this pet trend just be finished, though. Instead of hatching the creatures from an egg that is basically a lootbox, I would make it so you have to buy them directly, or make the eggs earnable after you reach certain milestones. You could also make the eggs buyable for currency, but the currency is not.

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