Feedback on GFX Thumbnail

It’S motion blue.
Hats clipping.

That is the worst place to look for models.

This looks llike it’s assaulting my eyes because of all the bright colors. And the rim lighting looks like it was added after in photoshop which looks unnaturral.

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Looks pretty generic. The pose with the ice cream guy is also not very… realistic? The skateboarder is being impaled by his skateboard as well.

I mean bright colors means more interest and such.
Also rim-lighting has to get added in photoshop, especially in scene GFXs because the lighting from area-lights will show on the ground which looks bad.

I mean it’s a cartoony GFX but I can understand why the pose might look bad.
Also any feedback to make this more unique?

tbh he looks like he just was in the mid fight masses church in fnf

ruv is best

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No it doesn’t. Bright colors make you look away from the screen. Get semi bright colors from

You can make natural rim lights, but that requires skill with lighting. Take a few lighting courses.

Hmm… maybe make the lighting smoother and get rid of the weird shiny thing behind the guy. (idk how to explain) Maybe also get rid of the blur in the skate board guy? Sorry if I couldn’t be more helpful!

It attracts most young players which is the playerbase of this game and most of ROBLOX, most people on the devforum might not enjoy them because they are older and stuff.
Also making rim-lighting in photoshop is easier and faster, I don’t see why I should not do that, also I know this example looks kinda but I tried to do a different approach than what I do. But thanks a lot for the feedback!

A misconception. Having eye wateringly bright colors does not attract young players. You can use bright colors, but not SO bright. Having harmonious bright colors is key. Also the composition of this GFX is a mess. Look into the rule of thirds. Composition should guide your eye. Here I don’t know what to look at!

Here is also an example of harmonious bright colors.

It’s easier, but looks pretty bad.

Yeah I don’t really like this rim-lighting, It’s a new thing I tried to do and it didn’t work out well.

I don’t really see how this is eye-killing bright, It’s pretty bright but not to that extent.

I don’t really see how it looks bad, in this GFX it looks kinda bad because I was in a rush, I used a brush which I don’t normally use, I use the pen tool because it makes it sharper, smoother and just overall better.

It just doesn’t look natural. The composition is also a mess and the sky looks bland.

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I agree. I actually have problems with bright colors, but even I don’t think it hurts my eyes.

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