Feedback on GFX Thumbnail

Made this recent commission for a park tycoon and wanted to hear your thoughts on it because I’m not happy with it.
Here’s the thumbnail:

Portfolio if you want to hire me.
(Click on image for high-quality.


the icecream is just hard to look at
try a diff pose


Totally agree with the ice cream rotation.

Overall I am amased. nice light colors.
But I see a few things that could improve.

  • Can road have cartoony texture?
  • Why is the left blurry character overlapping with the wing of the statue? it meshes with my brain.
  • Why is the only blurry thing the person left? because it moves? I think it should only have a ray behind it in that case. because the statue is a lot further away and is clear to see. Feel strange to me.
  • Clouds could be good I think. it feels a bit empty in some areas.

But again im no pro. You are clearlt 5 times better than me so take my feedback not to serious. Great work.


The statue in the back should be facing forward, and part of the statue is in front of the wings of the person on the left.

The ice cream is also hard to see, make it a different flavor. Also, why is there a barrel to the left of the right person? I think it’s unnecessary.


agreed @SomeoneIsAGoat
the bloxy needs to be rotated


icecream pose maybe akward but great GFX


Any recommendation for the pose? Thanks!

maybe something like his arm give the ice cream to camera

Thanks for the feedback, the map is not mine so I had to work with what I had, I had to model the trees and most stuff in the background because the map was hella empty.
It isn’t overlapping, I think it is because of the antlers, they are separated I think.
Yeah I added Motion blur to him, I don’t get what you mean by a ray behind me.
I always get asked to add clouds, but it’s a pain to find some good ones that fit with the theme, the only thing I can do to is maybe model the clouds in blender? Thanks a lot for the feedback.

yeah add in clouds

i am no artist but that will make it better

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The person on the left is overlapping because of the antlers, I didn’t really see that mistake In blender, my bad.
Most of the stuff in the background like the fence, barrels grass and trees were modeled because the map was hella empty, I needed to add some stuff or the background would have been more plain that what it is now.

Lookin good, glad to see the lighting effect done well this time.

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I want to add clouds to most of my art, but it’s so hard to find a good sky that fits with the thumbnail, that I just don’t do it.

Thanks for the positive and kind comment! Really helps me out.

You could have cloud models instead?

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Most of them are realistic or cost money or are copyrighted, and I cant really model but I can try to find some free ones.

try to make one!

you can do it

Screen Shot 2021-05-01 at 3.49.36 PM
what the heck is wrong with this man
why blurry
also it looks like he was impaled by the skateboard


hes supposed to be dashing forward

toolbox maybe? chars30000000000000000000000000