Feedback on GFX

A pf fanart I started a while back which I continued working on today and so I finished it. Any feedback is appreciated! (the original picture was 4404x2592 and I had to compress it lol)


Overall Nice GFX the only thing is ur Rocket Launcher is above ground -


This is really cool
but why is the Rocket Launcher flying

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It’s really great. Keep doing it :+1:


Love your GFX! It looks great, but just like the others said, the rocket launcher seems like it’s floating. Other than that, it looks perfect. :smiley:

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Looks nice, but it feels like something is wrong

The graphical design is good, but as others have mentioned the rocket launcher is not touching the ground.

Also personally, I think the camera is too far back in the image. Try moving the camera closer, and at a bit of an angle towards the soldier, and I personally think the design would look way better that way.

Overall great job!


Pretty good, I just don’t like the clashing of the unrealistic characteristics of Roblox characters and this amazing background that seems like real terrain. The blue oil can or whatever it is also is an eyesore since it’s such a striking blue in the middle of rocky gray land and trees. Maybe you should change it to a type of dark green. Other than that, it’s great!

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Looks good! Like others said, the rocket launcher is floating off the ground, and also, the snowy background you seem to be going for doesn’t look right with the character so maybe take away the snow directly infront of the character but keep all the other snow.

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Pretty! I like how it looks very realistic and also fits with the theme. I also saw that the rocket launcher is floating. Try fixing that. Also, Try to make the trees not be like always in a line. Good job!

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it’s not snow, it’s just some dirt on the camera but thanks for the feedback

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I definitely agree with the oil can since it draws people’s eyes to the oil can instead of the character

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This looks really cool, nice work.

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