It still looks pretty good though regardless! It’s just that there are a couple of things you need to fix, especially if you’re going for an “old timey” or “1950’s” look (I’ll give some)
You could add a Camera Effect that goes along with the theme you’re going for, that could really add a nice change of pace!
The animation for the person does look a bit off, maybe if you made it a bit more intriguing (If you know what I mean?) then it’d be good
I mean the Forum members are there to give support & feedback after all, so do take it into consideration!
Hey there! Recently I was making same theme GFX and gonna give you some tips and feedback. You can try to add vintage effect and make more yellow colored the photo, like old ones, photos like that should have warm color effect (yellow, brown etc). Also make the character being full in camera, leave some free space between top camera side and hat/head. Goodluck!
I do get how the noise is supposed to add an ‘old timey’ effect to it, however I think that in addition, you should add like little bars going across that slightly distort the image.