Feedback on GFX

Hello, it’s been a while since I’ve been on the devforums!
Sorry if it’s a little messy, but I just finished this thumbnail design, and would like to see feedback from other GFX designers
My understanding of lighting is a little off but this is the best I could really do, and I’m still studying lighting, shadows etc. so feedback would be very helpful.

Thank you!


It’s really cool! I like how the jacket looks realistic! :happy1:
Here are some few tips:

  • Try to fix the the arms. They kinda look unnatural.

  • Try to fix the lighting. The sun’s light doesn’t seem to be coming on the person.

  • The sand that the person is walking is flat. Try improving that.

I hope I helped you with my feedback. :slight_smile:

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Nice but just put some face on and smooth terrain

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seems… bland.
things seems extremely lit, it doesn’t capture what’s it feels to be on a desert, maybe a headband or a bandana on him might help, maybe a hat to give the dude some space away from the burning sun, i’d recommend using lights and taking advantage of being able to turn off things that can be rendered, maybe some dust, this and that

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… oh wait i’ve just noticed it’s a roblox studio screenshot with a bit of editing
oh well, you can add post processing effects on lighting which can let people focus on things, and sometimes you can also just use beams or particle emitters on some part and make sure it stays in place, or use fog and give it a brown like color

give the dude more clothes either way

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to elaborate further,

by post processing effects, i meant that there are already things that you can use in roblox studio that affects the camera’s perspective and lighting, such as bloom, and one main thing that really ties GFXs together is low fov, to have a better view on what you want the viewers to see
color correction is pretty self explanitory, but to make it related to your GFX, you may want to use it to give the field a darker tint of the sands that are flowing around slightly blocking the light, or sunrays so that you won’t need to edit the picture later to make it have lens flare.
FOV and Perspectives does matter.
Default 70

45 FOV, from a different angle

these don’t exactly capture what i’m trying to tell you, but then with lighting it starts to line up together, looking like this:

now, you can also go crazy with it by doing poses to really capture the feel, but for now this is the best i can do as an example, hope this helps

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woahh how did I not know this
thats pretty cool, thanks a ton!


That’s stunning hun. I don’t know what you did this in, either that or I’m really bad at paying attention. (Ofc, if using blender you’ll want to use a displacement map for the terrain and make it a lot grainier and rougher so the sand looks grainy and not smooth. Also, your best bet for lighting is A.) a transparent light room B.) an HDRI C.) a homemade Lightroom using transparent planes, as well as a point light. Don’t forget the shadows! )

(I may be wrong, but if blender is harder for you to use Roblox studio is definitely out there as well. If you do decide to try out in blender and see the improvement there are MANY tutorials out there but I may not be the best to ask as I would probably end up confusing both of us.)

Overall the GFX was a bit unrealistic if that’s what you were going for. The pose is very basic but, correct me if I’m wrong, you could use the rig of an animator to manipulate the limbs in themselves. The sand, as I said before, could be changed. And finally better lighting especially since it’s in a desert. Oh but I LOVE that clothing.


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