Feedback on GFX

I’ve recently started using Blender 3.1, and I wanted to get feedback on my newest GFX. This is myself on a Japanese style house. Background used is from Pixabay (

I’d like some feedback to improve my GFX quality. Yes, I know that the layered clothing isn’t fitting on correctly, and I know that the colour palette for the house isn’t the best. Pretty sure both of those issues are just with exporting within Studio.


Looks great!

I recommend adding shadows and lighting, space is pretty dark! There also seem to be a few light sources such as the lamp and the shooting star or streak in the back. As of now, there’s little lighting and I think once you add that, your GFX will improve greatly.

Keep it up!


I have lighting already, I’ve tried to make it realistic by it being in the position of the lights.

I think shadows are added automatically? I’m more familiar with 3D Viewer than Blender

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for a begginner, it’s definitely good because I was trash so yeah,


clothing isn’t fitted, posing is kinda weird, it looks like her hand comes out from her head? the model’s are too smooth and the lighting doesn’t match the models. the background also makes it look like the house is floating. there is like no mountains nothing, no blend either.

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Shadows are added automatically in Blender, it’s pretty hard to change it. But, I meant it as editing the GFX after it’s rendered in a photo editing software.

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The aim for the arm is supposed to be like that, I want it basically hugging the pillar.

Ah, I use Photoshop, which I’m also a noob at.


but make sure we can see the start of the arm, so we know it isn’t coming from the ead


Also, I should add, that the issues with layered clothing is something I probably can’t change.

In my experience, I find working with layered clothing extremely strange outside of Studio. Like, I was making a GFX for our Dream Jam project, and the layered clothing was causing some really strange glitches. Here it isn’t as bad, but I think I’m just going to avoid layered clothing in the future.

^ above made with 3D Viewer, similar issues in Blender


btw one other thing you should change is that the stars are too small, way too small

I can’t edit it lol, thats baked into the accessory

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no, like the night sky stars i meant
they have this weird faraway look, it’s as if they were burning balls of gas trillions of miles away
but super duper small

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Thats basically what stars are though-


layered clothing looks awful and does the lighting
are we in space
why is house floating

Yeah, layered clothing in GFX is currently a massive issue that the GFX community is dealing with right now. I personally made a topic explaining the difficulties, and asking for help as I’ve see it to be possible. I sadly didn’t get any help. You could try to spread my topic around a bit and hope some people who know the answer will jump on it.

Here it is: Help! GFX (Layered Clothing)

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Right, but I believe that he’s saying it clearly looks like an image slapped onto this render.

Stars are balls of light from afar, however if the point of this is to be floating in space, this would be in accurate as stars wouldn’t be this far away (yes, I know that some would, but there’s no depth to this image).

There needs to be other planets around, or closer stars, etc.

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imagination.exe has no limits

I think what we need is someone to file a bug report relating to layered clothing in objs. I think the only solution the community could do is perhaps make a custom RBXMX to OBJ converter

Might see if there’s anything better on Pixabay

If I am being honest and if you want some real feedback, it’s not that great.
You need to add textures to add more detail and better shadows for more depth, it’s plain and almost looks like it was 2d.

Edit: I noticed that the shirt doesn’t fit your character, maybe stick to 2d clothing until Roblox finds a solution.


It’s not at all a bug. It’s simply layered clothing that (when exported and placed on your new rig) it doesn’t move with the rig. This is Roblox’s fault, nor is it Blender’s.

This simply isn’t a bug and the only way to fix this is to rig the clothing onto the character inside of Blender; However, for someone like me who doesn’t know how to do that, it’s tough.

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and the stars are too small. way too small

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